Kinseekers Genealogical Society of Lake County Florida
Kinseekers Genealogical Society of Lake County Florida


(Approved 14 SEP 2024)

Article I - Name

The name of this organization is Kinseekers Genealogical Society of Lake County, Florida. It is formed as a Non-Profit Association.

Article II - Objectives

The objectives of this society are to:

  1. Promote knowledge and interest in genealogy, provide educational programs and workshops,

    provide members opportunities to share their knowledge, assist members further their

    genealogical research.

  2. Identify and preserve in the Society's files, genealogical and historical items as applicable.

  3. Operate as a non-profit society; no Society funds shall benefit its members, trustees, officers,

    or other private persons, except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article II sections A and B.

  4. Make distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code as appropriate to further the purposes set forth in Article II sections A and B.

Article III - Membership

  1. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in genealogy. There are three types of memberships:

    1) Individual Member: Any individual who submits an application and has paid their annual dues.
    2) Household Member: Any two individuals residing in the same household who submit an application and have paid their annual dues.

    3) Library Member: A Lake County Library who submits an application and has paid annual dues, as determined by the Board. Approval is dependent on the society’s resources and ability to support the membership.

  2. Each member in good standing shall be entitled to participate in all Society activities and vote on all matters that come before the membership; a member in good standing is one whose dues are current.

  3. Term of Membership shall be for twelve months, commencing with the month dues are received. Memberships not renewed after a 30-day grace period shall be inactive. To be reinstated, a member shall pay annual dues.

  4. The annual dues amount shall be recommended by the Board and approved by the membership.

Article IV - Officers

A. The officers of the Society shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. President and Vice President shall be voted for in odd years; Secretary and Treasurer in even years. Officers shall be elected for two-year terms. Only members in good standing may serves as officers. No officer may serve for more than one (1) term consecutively in the same office (except for the offices of Secretary and/or Treasurer, who may hold those offices as long as the membership desires).

B. Officers shall attend and participate in all Member and Board meetings. Should any officer fail to attend regular membership meetings for three successive months or two consecutive Board Meetings, without acceptable reason, that office shall be declared vacant.

C. Outgoing officers shall turn over all monies, records and correspondence pertaining to the society to their successor within fifteen days of their term expiring. Resigning officers shall turn over the same to the President within fifteen days of their resignation.

Article V - Elections

A. Nominating Committee
1) Annually, in October the president shall appoint a Nominating Committee approved by the board to seek up to two qualified candidates for positions that will become vacant the following year. Candidates for the office must be members in good standing when nominated. 2) In November, nominations will be presented to the general membership. At this time, nominations will also be accepted from the floor.
3) In December, election of officers will be held at the general membership meeting. All nominees presented at the November meeting will be placed on the ballot and voted upon.

B. If there is more than one nominee for any office, voting shall be done by ballot, which shall be decided by a simple majority of members present and voting.

C. Elected officers will begin their 2-year term on the first day of January of the calendar year immediately following the year of their election.

D. The president shall fill all officer vacancies by appointment, with concurrence of the board.

Article VI - Officer Duties

A. President: Presides over the Board of Directors and general membership meetings; appoints committees and directors, with concurrence of the board; acts as central point of contact for the society unless otherwise delegated.
B. Vice-President: Assumes duties of President during his/her absence.

C. Secretary: Ensures minutes are taken of all Board and general membership meetings.
D. Treasurer: Deposits collected funds and fees; maintains financial records; disburses funds as

E. For all officers: other duties as determined by the board.

Article VII - Member Meetings

A. Regular membership meetings shall be held monthly, on dates determined by the board. The society does not meet during the summer unless decided otherwise by the board.

B. An Annual Member Business Meeting shall be held every December.

C. Special Meetings may be called, with not less than one week’s notice, by the President, the board, or the written request of ten of more members. Notice shall clearly identify the purpose of the meeting.

D. A quorum for an Annual or Special Meeting shall consist of those members who are present.

Article VIII – Board of Directors

A. The Board of Directors shall consist of the elected officers and appointed directors.
B. Directors shall be appointed by the president, with concurrence of the board, in positions as

needed. Directors shall serve two-year terms at which point they may be reappointed.
C. The Board of Directors shall meet at least quarterly. A quorum shall be one more than one-

half of the board, rounded up to the next whole number. Attendance may be in-person, by

telephone, or via internet. Each officer and director position shall have one vote. D. The Board of Directors shall manage the affairs of the society, to include

1) Ensuring an annual financial reconciliation of the Society’s funds is conducted and reported to the membership.

2) Approving all expenditures over $100.00. The President may approve those under $100.00.

Article IX – Committees

  1. Standing Committees may be created to perform functions deemed necessary to carry on the society’s work. They shall be formed, and their chairs appointed, by the President with the concurrence of the board.

  2. Special Committees may be created to perform a specific function for a limited period of time. They may be formed, and their chairs appointed, by the President, the Board of Directors, or the general membership.

   C. Committee chairs shall be responsible to the person or entity that appointed them.

Article X Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

  1. SIGs are a subset of the Society membership who have a special interest in a unique genealogy, or related, topic. SIGs shall be encouraged by the Society and may be organized when supported by member interests.

  2. SIGs shall be approved by the Board of Directors, as well as any genealogical products they produce for publication on the society website.

  3. SIGs are open to the public.

Article XI - Amendments to the By-Laws

  1. Amendments to these By-Laws may be offered by the Board of Directors, a By-Laws Committee, or any member. Proposed changes shall be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors.

  2. A notice of any proposed change in the By-Laws shall be provided to all members in advance of the meeting at which the change is to be voted upon (this may be waived at the Annual Member Business Meeting).

  3. Amendments to the By-Laws must be approved by a majority of the voting members present.

Article XII Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Society in all cases not covered by these By-Laws.

Article XIII - Indemnification and Liability

No individual member or officer of the Society shall be held liable for debts, liabilities or obligations of the Society unless incurred through their direct negligence or criminal act.

Article XIV - Dissolution

In the event of the dissolution of the organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities. Assets will be transferred to a Lake County Friends of the Library organization for genealogy materials. The transfer of assets must begin within ninety (90) days and be completed within one year. These By-Laws adopted (month, date, year)

Revisions approved by the membership on 14 September 2024.