Kinseekers Genealogical Society of Lake County Florida
Kinseekers Genealogical Society of Lake County Florida
Welcome to KINSEEKERS Genealogical Society
Family History connects us. 
To our ancestors. To who we are. To each other.  
All experience levels welcome.
Theme for 2024-2025 Season: A Focus on Records
Scroll below to see details about current and upcoming programs.

Florida State Genalogical Society Logo 
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  Leesburg Public Library logo
Proud to partner with the Leesburg Public Library
in offering genealogy and family history programs.
LPL is a FamilySearch Affiliate Library. This 
means enhanced access to FamilySearch records!
Instagram Logo  
Pastfinders is our sister society, located in Clermont.
Visit their website for their full schedule of events:

February Update was emailed 1 February.
(Please check your spam file if you didn't receive it.)
Also posted under Handouts and Updates in the Members Area.



Analyzing Research with Maps: From Deeds to Dirt
Saturday, 8 February via Zoom.
10:30am - 11:30am Eastern Time. Join at 10:15 for informal welcome.
Register here.
This program discusses the various ways we can use maps to trace our ancestors and gain additional insights into their lives. Topics include:
-  different types of maps
-  tech tricks for using maps
-  using maps to determine possible migration routes
-  using your research to recreate neighborhoods
-  various online map collections
-  mini-case study examples of using maps for analysis
Cari Taplin has been a Certified Genealogist® since 2015. She is a regular speaker at national and state conferences, as well as an instructor for various genealogy insitutes. She is one of the founders of "The Genealogy Squad," a 72K-member group on Facebook. You can learn more about her at her website,


Using Voter Records for Family History
Saturday, 11 January via Zoom.
The recording of this excellent program is in the members area through 10 Feb.
Discover why voting records are genealogy's best kept secret.
These often over-looked gems can be packed with genealogical information, and you won't believe what they can tell us about our ancestors! Looking for a date of birth or death? The date and court of naturalization? Where your ancestors disappeared to, or where they came from? Their political outlooks? Even what kind of houses they lived in? Voting records may have the answers!
We're excited to bring back one of our most popular speakers! Pam Vestal is a professional genealogist, writer, and educator. Learn more about her at


Family Tree Maker Course

This FREE course started in mid-October  (Join anytime)       
EVENING Course                            
1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 7:00 - 8:30pm (ET) via Zoom
Session 6 recording is now available in the members area. 
1st & 3rd Fridays, 11:00am - 12:30pm (ET) via Zoom   
Session 6 recording is now available in the members area. 
This free 21-session course runs from mid-October through August 2025.
Attend all or some classes.
Non-members are welcome.  The course provides a deep dive into Family Tree Maker, the world’s most popular genealogy software. Classes include live demos, questions are encouraged, and troubleshooting tips shared. 
There is not a set schedule of topics, as the class pace is dependent on the input and feedback of participants. Led by Roger Goddard.
Non-Members: Register by emailing
Members: Access via the link in the Members Area (under "Zoom Links").
(Society membership includes a significant discount on the FTM software. Details are under Member Perks in the Members Area.)
This course is separate from the FTM Special Interest Group (SIG).

Citation Anxiety SIG

1st Mondays, 1:30 - 2:30 (Eastern Time) via Zoom
Next session: 3 February  
Register here
This is an informal discussion group focused on citing sources.
We primarily reference the 4th Edition of Evidence Explained by Elisabeth Shown Mills. (You are not required to have a copy to participate, though you may find it helpful.) We also suggest following the Evidence Explained page on Facebook and/or the Forum on
Open to all.


Military Records & Research SIG (WWI/WW2)

2nd Mondays, 1:30 - 3:00 (Eastern Time) via Zoom
Led by KB Barcomb
This is an informal and collaborative discussion group focusing on WWI and WW2 military records and research methodology. Open to all.
Want to learn more about a U.S. military ancestor? This group is here to help. Love military records and research? Let's talk analysis, resources, and methods.
Next session: Monday 10 February. Register HERE.
If you have a WWI & WW2 related question, put it in the comment box when registering.


Family Tree Maker SIG

2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 11:00am - 12:00pm (Eastern Time) via Zoom
EVENING SESSION                              
2nd & 4th Thursdays, 7:00 - 8:00pm (Eastern Time) via Zoom
This is an informal discussion and help session for those using FTM genealogy software or thinking about using it. Ask questions, share tips, learn from one another. All are welcome!
Non-Members: Register by emailing
Members: Access via the link in the Members Area (under "Zoom Links").
(Society membership includes a significant discount on the FTM software. Details are under Member Perks in the Members Area.)


Black Family History SIG (1900-1950)

3rd Saturdays, 10:30-11:30am (Eastern Time) via Zoom
Led by Charles Wilson
This is an informal and collaborative discussion group focusing on Black family history during the pivotal decades from 1900 to 1950.  We encourage and assist each other as we explore and document the rich family histories generated during this era. Non-members welcome!
Next session: 15 February. Register here
If you have specific questions or suggested topic for discussion, please enter it in the comment box when registering.
Recordings & handouts from the Black Family History Seminar held in September are available in the Members Area of our website through 31 Aug 2024:
-  Researching Black Youth, 1900-1950  (Adrienne Whaley)
-  Black War Workers of World War II (KB Barcomb)
 Legacy of Black Women in World War II (E W Cummings) [View here]
-  Redlining (Taneya Koonce) - Delayed. Date TBA.



3rd Mondays, 1:30 - 3:00 (Eastern Time) via Zoom
Facilitated by KB Barcomb
This is an informal and collaborative discussion group focusing on the US National Archvies (NARA). Open to all.
Have questions about navigating its catalog? Accessing finding aids? Searching online collections? Exploring the website's nooks and crannies? This group is here to help. 
Next session: Monday 17 Feb. Register HERE.
Have NARA-related question or suggested topics? Put them in the comment box when registering.

Genealogy Help

10:00 am - 1:00 pm (Eastern Time)
In-person, Leesburg Public Library 
Society volunteers, in partnership with the Leesburg Public Library, are offering free genealogy assistance every week in the library's genealogy area.
No registration or appointment needed. Simply walk-in.


Latest News
Programs are
via Zoom,
except GenHelp & select events.
Support our Programming
Genealogy Help
In-person Genealogy Help, Wednesdays 10:00am - 1:00pm
Leesburg Library.
All events are EASTERN TIME
FTM Course (Daytime)
Fri, 7 Feb
11:00 - 12:30pm
Free. Open to all!
Saturday, 8 Feb
10:30 - 11:30am
"Analyzing Research with Maps: From Deeds to Dirt"
presented by
Cari Taplin.
Open to all.
Military Records & Research SIG
Monday, 10 Feb
1:30 - 3:00pm
Open to all!
Genealogy Help
Wed, 12 Feb
10:00 - 1:00
Leesburg Library
FTM SIG (Daytime)
Wed, 12 Feb
11:00am - 12:00.
All are welcome!
FTM SIG (Evening)
Thur, 13 Feb
7:00 - 8:00pm.
Open to all.
Black Family History SIG (1900 - 1950)
Sat, 15 Feb
10:30 - 11:30am
Open to all
Monday, 17 Feb
1:30 - 2:45pm
Open to all!
FTM Course (Evening)
Tue, 18 Feb
7:00 - 8:30pm
Free. Open to All!
Genealogy Help
Wed, 19 Feb
10:00 - 1:00
Leesburg Library
FTM Course (Daytime)
Friday, 21 Feb
11:00 - 12:30pm
Free. Open to all!
FTM SIG (Daytime)
Wed, 26 Feb
11:00am -12:00pm
Open to all.
Genealogy Help
Wed, 26 Feb
10:00 - 1:00
Leesburg Library
FTM SIG (Evening)
Thur, 27 Feb
7:00 - 8:00pm.
Open to all.
FTM Course (Evening)
Tue, 4 Mar
7:00 - 8:30pm
Free. Open to All!
Genealogy Help
Wed, 5 Mar
10:00 - 1:00
Leesburg Library
"Using Social Security Records for Family History Research"
"Using Labor & Employment Records for Family History Research"
"Finding Records You Didn't Know Existed"